Gloria Martella
(+39) 3803410293


Hi there! My name is Gloria, and I've been living on the Tremiti Islands forever, since I was born.
I graduated from the University of Bologna with a degree in Business and Economics, but have since decided to follow my true passion: yoga.
I'm currently in the process of pursuing a postural yoga teacher training course, so that I can combine both of my passions into one career. It's been an amazing experience so far - I can't wait to see where it takes me next!
I love spending time outside on my island. Going for early morning swims when the water is still cool and having long walks through the woods when my mind gets too crowded are two of my favorite pastimes here. When it rains, I love walking around after it soaks in to enjoy all the new smells that come out of the ground. My favourite spots on Tremiti include Cala dei Benedettini (which is great for sunsets), Cala delle Roselle (where you can find some nice caves), Cala Spido (great for snorkelling).